[Salon] Fwd: Attack on the Naqab! Roger Waters and Bedouin Activists

The number of people in the political commentary field that I retain respect for can be counted on my fingers, with only one or two fingers necessary on the second hand. This came about during the Trump years when I heard such insane things from the “Left” that Trump was "Putins puppet,” even while he was “reinforcing the line” on Russia’s perimeter. And from the “Right” that Trump’s election represented the end of “neoconservatism,” in particular a couple times, in response to me saying that Trump’s election provided for everything that the neocons ever desired. 

Then Trump proved that I was correct on that every single day he was in office, as chronicled well by Haaretz. As well, or more, by the right-wing Israeli media as they cheered him on. It was even suggested by Miriam Adelson that a book of the Bible be named for him! And “traditional conservative” ate that up with a spoon, as is so easily shown, that I won’t bother here. The officials he put in charge of foreign policy shared that enthusiasm for a right-wing Israeli government, with this guy as final proof:  https://mondoweiss.net/2022/01/pompeo-at-zoa-gala-israel-is-not-an-occupier/,

Trump’s administration from beginning to end can be said to be “neoconservatism on steroids,” to paraphrase Lindsey Graham, Trump’s loyal sychophant. 

But amongst that tiny number whom I retain respect for would be Roger Waters, acting in the finest tradition of a "citizen-diplomat,” in the total absence of any sane “diplomats” remaining in the USG, as none remained that I know of since 9/11, with the State Department cheerleaders for war, even while Bush/Cheney neutered them. 

So this event with Roger Waters is something that should not be missed tomorrow, except by those here who’ve thrown in their lot with Trumpism, the ZOA, the “settlers,” including the National Conservative settler Yoram Hazony, and the likes of Mike Pompeo as Trump’s foreign policy representative (see link above), the favorite of the Claremont Institute as well as all the other Straussian’s making up “Trump’s brain.”  You can’t generally change a fanatic’s mind :-)

Begin forwarded message:

From: Miko Peled <booking@mikopeled.com>
Subject: Attack on the Naqab! Roger Waters and Bedouin Activists
Date: February 16, 2022 at 5:44:30 AM CST
Reply-To: Miko Peled <booking@mikopeled.com>

February Newsletter: Naqab Bedouin Activists, Roger Waters, Apartheid, and more

Dear friends,

You have likely heard of Amnesty International groundbreaking new report calling out Israel’s crime of apartheid against the Palestinian people.

Of course, we know that Palestinian activists and organizations have been calling it apartheid for years. Yet we hope that this report will embolden politicians and governments to similarly step forth and call out Israel’s apartheid state from the river to the sea.

I am once again in Palestine to support the activists on the ground who bravely resist the apartheid regime, and I will be sharing updates.

I will be sharing my reaction to Amnesty’s report in the coming few days on my Patreon page. In the mean time, check out my latest interviews!

Attack on the Naqab

If you haven’t already, check out a seminar on the dire situation in the Naqab region, presented by Palestinian Bedouins activist themselves. Join activist and musician Roger Waters from Pink Floyd in a discussion with Rafat Abu Aish and Noran Abo Ganem.
Watch full interview now!

This event exposes Israel's massive campaign of ethnic cleansing happening to Palestinians who are Israeli citizens. The situation has recently intensified as Bedouin Palestinians refuse to have their lands confiscated by the State of Israel and are beaten and arrested in return.

We discuss the Bedouin villages — unrecognized by the Israeli state — which do not receive public services, such as water systems, electricity, paved roads, etc. We discuss the prevalence of home demolitions in the Naqab as part of an attempt to subdue and uproot the Palestinian Bedouins from their ancestral lands.

The event was originally streamed on Instagram live.

Coming up:

Stay tuned for more updates from the ground and for my upcoming episodes on Patreon! I will be posting a reaction to Amnesty’s apartheid in the coming few days.

I hope to see you next time!

- Miko


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